Jade Hulu 翡翠葫芦(White)

Original price was: RM500.00.Current price is: RM399.00.

  翡翠葫芦饰品因其与“福禄”谐音,象征着美好的寓意,深受翡翠爱好者的喜爱。葫芦形状饱满圆润,寓意着家庭和睦、事业顺利及生活幸福。它不仅代表着财富和好运,还能彰显佩戴者的品味和个性。精雕细琢的翡翠葫芦,蕴含着深厚的文化底蕴和传统吉祥的祝福,是送给亲友或自我佩戴的理想选择。 The jade gourd pendant, with its name sounding similar to “fortune and prosperity” in Chinese, carries a beautiful and auspicious meaning, making it a favorite among jade enthusiasts. The gourd’s plump and rounded shape symbolizes harmony in the family, success in career, and a happy life. It not only represents wealth and good…

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SKU: Jh1001
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The jade gourd pendant, with its name sounding similar to “fortune and prosperity” in Chinese, carries a beautiful and auspicious meaning, making it a favorite among jade enthusiasts. The gourd’s plump and rounded shape symbolizes harmony in the family, success in career, and a happy life. It not only represents wealth and good luck but also reflects the wearer’s taste and personality. Meticulously carved, the jade gourd embodies deep cultural significance and traditional blessings, making it an ideal choice for gifting to loved ones or for personal adornment.